LITES Linking Investigations in Trauma & Emergency Services

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The Linking Investigations in Trauma and Emergency Services (LITES) is a research network of US trauma systems and centers with the capability to conduct prospective, multicenter, injury care and outcomes research of relevance to the Department of Defense (DOD). With limited ability to conduct larger scale, high-impact, clinical research on US service personnel in active theaters of war, the DoD and its Combat Casualty Care Research Program must turn to civilian trauma systems and centers to answer questions aimed at narrowing high-priority gaps in care of the severely injured patient. LITES is a network of medical professionals, prehospital providers, and emergency medical services joining to perform injury care and outcomes research. Its goal is to inform clinical practice guidelines and update the existing standards for the care of traumatic injuries. This network carries out a variety of research projects focused on trauma, blood and whole blood, traumatic brain injury, breathing tubes, airway management, and Hemorrhagic shock.