North Hills Regional Catholic Elementary Schools

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North Hills Regional Catholic Elementary Schools (NHRCES) is an educational system in Pittsburgh, PA that provides a faith-based Catholic centered education. Core Values 1. Faith Based Catholic-centered education based on Gospel values and the Eucharist, with a strong commitment to faith formation. 2. Academic Excellence Effective instruction, ambitious academic expectations and challenging academic programs integrated within a diverse curriculum that meshes faith, culture, and life experience. 3. Relationships Cultivated relationships based on trust, resulting in respectful, well-prepared students. Shared vision and future planning that are openly and continually communicated to all students and family members. 4. Service Unique opportunities outside the classroom to enhance student faith formation, participation in liturgical and communal prayer, and action in service of social causes. 5. Safe Environment Safe, positive classroom environments that are engaging, current, and individually-suited to complement each student’s personal learning style and needs.

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