Wilderness Wildlife Museum

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The WWM strives to educate all ages with knowledge obtained through the traditions and history of the outdoor sportsman and sportswoman. We have further incorporated this knowledge with specimens, literature, media, activities and courses offered through the museum. The main focus of the WWM is education & conservation and there are four main areas of focus: The history, culture, practice and ethics of hunting, fishing and field sports from various parts of the world. The biology of plants and animals native to the United States, and other parts of the world. The human lifestyle, on a local and global scale, and the impact it has on our environment and ecosystem. The importance of proper practice of conservation, reclamation, preservation of our lands and wildlife. We strive to educate individuals on how they can practice environmental stewardship in their everyday life. There is further stress put on incorporating this awareness with the proper practice of hunting, fishing and field sports. The youth is particularly important to us since they will be responsible for carrying on the traditions of the outdoor sportsman.

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