Cabot Archery

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Cabot Archery is a long-time dream of co-owners Geremy and Christi Wilson. This husband and wife team have married their respective, unique skillsets to make the dream a reality. Geremy’s passion for the sport stems from 35+ years of archery experience. What he loves most about archery is sharing his enthusiasm through teaching; whether it’s patiently introducing the sport to young new shooters, or expertly enhancing the performance of seasoned archers through improved techniques or technology. As a complement to Geremy’s technical expertise, Christi brings a degree from M.I.T. and 25+ years of business acumen as an engineer, consultant, and project manager. While they each bring different strengths to the business, they have one common goal: to recruit and retain archers from all backgrounds and abilities by creating a welcoming, comfortable, and family-friendly shooting environment.