State Theatre Center for the Arts - Uniontown

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The historic State Theatre Center for the Arts has operated for 30 years as a performing arts venue serving Southwestern Pennsylvania. The theatre is owned and operated by the Greater Uniontown Heritage Consortium, Inc. and presents nationally touring, professional productions in addition to a variety of special events, concerts, a classic film series, local performances and civic functions. We offer 6 main season performances, 2-3 education series shows, two screenings of each monthly film as part of the classic film series, 2 to 3 professionally promoted events and 20 to 30 local recitals, community events, and/or civic functions annually. For the last 6 years we have been producing summer musicals featuring local and professional talent and in December of 2015, we produced a local production of The Nutcracker Ballet, which has continued as an annual tradition. These events total over 60 annual events at the State.